4 Depression Management Tips After a Divorce
Depression can easily take hold in the immediate stages after divorce, especially if you weren’t the party, who wanted it. Feelings of rejection and failure often accompany the death of a marriage, and it’s very easy for these things to meld in to full blown depression. In some people, the cases are mild and can be reversed through lifestyle changes and goal setting. In others, the issue may take a physical toll and even lead to suicide or reckless life decisions. No matter what part of the spectrum you’re on, these are some good tips for beating back the dangers of this condition.
1. Make wise lifestyle choices.
Mild depression can often be defeated with better lifestyle choices and the mental decision to love yourself. Start with water intake and healthy, nutritious foods. The more good that you put in to your body, the more good you’ll get out of it. If you do engage in alcoholic beverages, make sure you’re doing so in moderation.
2. Get your blood pumping.
A healthy exercise routine — emphasis on “routine” — will get your blood pumping, fat burning, and muscles growing. All of these things have positive psychological effects that grow the more that you stick to your goals. One note: “routine” is a good word when it comes to working out regularly, but it can be a bad word if you get locked in the same exercises and challenges. Especially with your body, always be looking to change up the routine-within-the-routine. In other words, don’t let your body get too used to any one weight or exercise.
3. Make contact.
One of the worst things in the world that a human being can go through is loneliness. This is not to be confused with being alone. Being alone is fine so long as you love yourself and fill that time with things that gratify you as a person and make you love yourself. But everyone, no matter how introverted they are, needs to step away from “being alone” at some point and make contact with the outside world. Choose people who are your advocates. Individuals who accept you for who you are and who are there for you when you need them most. Also, look to establish new contacts with people that have similar interests. You never know where your next best friend and/or love interest might come from.
4. Seek help.
If you’re doing everything mentioned above or if depression runs in your family — either diagnosed or undiagnosed — visit a doctor and talk about what you’re going through. Most depression medications can help you find balance and feel better-adjusted while being one of the few prescription drugs that are cheap to purchase.
Depression can be a silent killer, either directly through the decision to harm yourself or indirectly through a series of reckless choices. Don’t let it win. What has helped you cope with depression? Share your thoughts in our comments section!