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Gray Divorce; Divorce after 50


A recent story on MSNBC is revealing what has been long suspected but never considered when discussing the Divorce Process; The divorce rate for people over 50 has doubled over the last 20 years according to new research done by Bowling Green State University. More surprising is that the majority of these divorces are being brought forth and initiated by females. The phenomena known as the “gray divorce” is breaking traditional concepts an notions regarding marriage beliefs in a big way and for the reasons that, once scratched beneath the surface, are not only not too surprising but also makes us think its amazing this is happening as late as it did and how.

At first glance this news may seem shocking, one would tend to assume that if you have been married to the same spouse for over fifteen or twenty years the rest of the marriage is a lock and probably never in doubt as to the couples commitments to each other. But that also relies on the assumption that people are stagnant and do not change. There is undoubtedly no question of the abject absurdity of that notion. Before asking “How to get a Divorce” we must acknowledge that notion that people do in fact change, and if the routine of marriage starts to seem oppressive towards someone wanting to fulfill a dream, a hobby, an item on the bucket list etc etc….the gray divorce takes on more of a realistic, sensible realization.

For those moving up in years the idea of not settling for a mundane lifestyle and not going gently into that last goodnight as Dylan Thomas so eloquently wrote is a brave, but not surprising move.
With routine comes familiarity, and familiarity breeds contempt. And later in life once the children have left the nest, the question of child support and custody issues are not at a factor. Who hasnt as some point in there life asked the question of “Is that all there is?” or decided it was well worth the risk to see if the grass really is greener? Regardless the reasons, divorce after 50 will become more and more common. As one of the leading provider of online divorce forms, quite frankly we see a lot of additional reason to gray divorce then simply being tired of the routine or bored of a spouse.

For starters, the advent of the internet has revolutionized the way we gather information. Furthermore, the advances in this technology that have given more people internet access then ever before with the easiest platforms to use means that even those who are deathly afraid of technology can still do the most basic of Google searches. For the housewife in Washington who always dreamed of the Parisian night life of France, being able to research a trip, book a flight, find a friend on Facebook etc etc has never been easier much less the ease of Online Divorce Forms simplifying the process even further. Throw in the number of people who develop online relationships and seek advice from those who they have never personally met means getting opinion and advice is far more accessible.

For instance, telling someone to divorce their spouse and seek out lifes adventures is far more easy to dispense when you have never actually met the person you are dispensing advice to….much less their spouse. Talking and making grandiose plans to an internet friend can take on bold news steps in brevity when working with the assumption you will never actually meet the person who is taking your advice. It is much easier to tell someone to get California Divorce when you do not know them and actually live in Florida. There are conversations that would never take place with your neighbor or a co-worker. Like it or not, the internet and the way we gather information and can form and build interpersonal relationships is a huge factor for those divorcing later in life. Rather than lamenting these changes as a negative-these changes are really just examples and symptomatic of the age in which we live.

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