
Home»California Divorce»Weird Divorce News from

Weird Divorce News from


As the internet’s premiere source for Online Divorce Forms, we come across some of the most unusual, bizarre, and downright weirdest stories about divorce spanning all edges of the globe. On this fine three day weekend, we decided we would recap some of our favorite divorce stories that we have posted over the last couple of months. And trust us we have found some dandy stories related to divorce that are so odd you won’t believe they are actually true. About the only story we have yet to see is one that states not only is Elvis alive….but married to a space alien.

Our first story comes from Israel and maybe every mans nightmare. We know some are cat people and others aren’t. But for this poor chap we truly feel some pity. No matter how much you love animals at some point the love of animals becomes an obsession and compulsion and most think anything over 5 or 10 pets is too much. So we certainly think online divorce form downloads are in order when your spouse takes in over 550 cats. Once again, you can be the worlds biggest cat lover but over 550? We are not sure what the official ruling was on the case but we would think any amount of alimony would immediately be spent on catnip and kitty litter.

The next story comes from the Celebrity Divorce file as WWE professional wrestler superstar John Cena officially filed for divorce from his wife. The kicker here was the amount of speculation regarding how this divorce might effect his career as one of the most popular wrestlers of all time. Now are experts when it comes to online divorce forms but when it comes to professional wrestling we admittedly know very little. But are we out of line to ponder the folly of wondering about how divorce will affect his career when professional wrestling matches are predetermined and more about theatrics then actual athletics? We are not exactly talking about Cena in the same way we spoke about Tiger Woods or Andre Agassi are we?

When it comes to divoce we have heard the phrase “taken to the cleaners” fairly regularly. And sure when some in the divorce process end up on the short end of the stick some of the euphemisms can be quite over the top and generally embellished. But one would have a hard time trumping the story of Janine Nazzise of Colorado. We realize the divorce process can be cruel, but after living as a married woman and housewife for several years her husband decided he wanted out. In this case, he took some preemptive action and to make a long story short- Nazzise was left homeless. Two sides to every story but it is hard to think of anyone who can top being homeless as a result of divorce.

And finally, from last week’s blog this story just deserves another mention. In the 70′s Marvin Gaye’s wife divorced him….only to find he did not have much in the way of assets or income. The judge ordered that Gaye record an album and give the proceeds to his ex. Yes, we know that sounds it comes straight for a situation comedy but in this case of California Divorce it actually happened. So if you ever wondered what favorite album of all-time is look no further- “Here, My Dear” by Marvin Gaye is the hands down winner.

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