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Pointers for Both Parents & Children During Divorce!

Basic Tips for Parents during a Divorce

  1. Always be sure to have alone time with your children for reassurance.
  1. Always tell the truth and do not break any promises or lie to your children.
  1. Do not fight or yell in front of your children for it may scare or worry them even more during the divorce process.
  1. Continue to stay involved with your children and help your children with their homework, sports, etc.
  1. Always keep your children updated and share all information that is relevant to them with them.
  1. Listen to your children and always pay attention to them.
  1. Always have patience with your children and try not to get too upset during emotional times.
  1. When you’re angry, do not take out your aggressions on your children.
  1. Be sure to communicate your feeling with your children always keep the lines of communication open for them.

Basic Rights for the Children during a Divorce

  1. Do not ever ask your children to choose sides between you and your spouse.
  1. Do not tell your children all the horrible details going on between you and your spouse.
  1. Do not badmouth one another in front of your children or to your children.
  1. Always give the right to privacy of one anothers conversations for either parent on the phone or visitation rights.
  1. Always keep the right to not cross examine your children after they have visited the other parent.
  1. Do not ask your children to relate messages between you and your spouse.  This is where communication between you and your spouse is very important for the kids sanity.
  1. The right not to be used as a confidant regarding the legal proceedings between the parents.
  1. Do not take the rights of your child’s feelings away due to another parent.
  1. Always be sure to keep the right to be protected from parental warfare.
  1. Be sure to always reassure your children and not make them feel guilty for loving both parents.

Now that you have been educated on some very good pointers for your divorce process, you are ready to take the next step.  If you are able to come to an agreement with your spouse on all terms then you are ready to begin your divorce.  You can simply go to and begin your low cost specific state divorce today.

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