
Home»divorce news»Seal and Heidi Klum; When Divorce Goes (Very)Bad

Seal and Heidi Klum; When Divorce Goes (Very)Bad


Supermodel Heidi Klum has gone through a very public divorce since her announcement in late January, of a split between her and now ex-husband Seal. The pair had been married for 7 years, and have 4 children together. Irreconcilable differences were cited as the reason for the split and ever since then, the two have not been out of the headlines. In an era when Kristen Stewart and Katie Holmes are dominating the headlines, Seal and Klum are slowly beginning to dominate the media headlines for reasons both would rather not be renowned for.

Just weeks after the split, Seal was quoted as saying to celebrity gossip giants, TMZ, that Heidi had sparked a new relationship with “the help”. This remark was in reference to Heidi’s bodyguard Martin Kristen, who has worked for the family for four years.

These remarks made by Seal, ignited a firestorm of back and forth rants between both Heidi and Seal in the media over the last 7 months. Soon after Seal accused Heidi of infidelity, Heidi quickly released a scathing statement denying any such relationship with Martin Kristen. Seal then retracted his previous statement, claiming that he only meant the relationship had formed after the split and before the divorce was finalized.

Seal seemed all too convincing in his first statement, almost adamant on the fact that Heidi had committed adultery and the salacious celebrity press was none too happy to oblige in spreading his quotes for all too read. If you were thinking this pairing would be able to negotiate an uncontested divorce you were wrong.

Fast forward to today. How the story has come full circle. Klum, appeared on the Katie Couric talk show early Wednesday morning, where she announced that was indeed seeing her bodyguard of four years. So it begs the question, “why lie about it in the first place?” and better still, “is this too soon after the rumors and the divorce proceedings to date?”

From the outside looking in, one would have to lab towards yes, this is a little too soon. Klum has four children under the age of 8, and her divorce is not finalized. But, who are we to judge?

Alas, the ugly side of divorce has reared its head once again. Even when papers are filed and signatures have been put on the dotted line, there’s always something that comes back around. The celebrity world seems to have this in the headlines every week. Are there really any “amicable” divorces anymore? It may ring true for average Americans, but in today’s Hollywood we are not so sure.

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