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Online Divorce Forms; This week in Divorce News


As we approach the summer there has been a bevy of recent divorce news that can be found on the internet. This week we will tray and recap the news for our blog. As one of the leading providers on online divorce forms and divorce information we try to provide as much current how to get a divorce information as possible spanning all parts of the globe and all genres of divorce and the impact it has on our society.

From the world of sports we have a couple of divorce related stories. NFL All-Pro cornerback Quentin Jammer of the San Diego Chargers had one of the least productive seasons since joining the National Football League. Jammer, known as one of the NFL’s premiere cornerbacks recently admitted in an interview that his recent California divorce had without question impacted his on the field performance. When we think of professional sports sometimes we overlook the fact that these players are no different then a dentist or an auto mechanic, they have personal lives that sometimes will impact their professional lives. That is not weakness-that is humanist.

Also in the world of sports, or pseudo sports comes news of professional wrestler John Cena’s divorce. Yahoo Sports is reporting that the cause of the rift between Cena and wife Elizabeth, was tension that started over a home remodeling project. As the leading producer of Online Divorce Forms, we can clearly state that while they might cite the remodeling project as the spark, these issues generally stem from much larger issues that are not being effectively communicated. Much like the straw that broke the camel’s back and without knowing anything about the Cena’s, we have seen it all too often where a silly excuse for divorce which, at the surface seems ludicrous, is actually just the band aid on a much larger situation. In the case of Cena, his case is a bit different then Jammers, as Jammer actually is competing in a legitimate athletic endeavor.

From the Huffington Post we saw a story about celebrities who most people probably did not know were divorced. At the top of list comes Hollywood Playboy and all around ladies man George Clooney. Indeed the legendary bachelor was once married to Mad Men star Talia Balsam. Indeed, Clooney was married to Balsam from 1989 to 1993. We wonder if this news was simply not important enough to report or Clooney’s management felt that this news maybe would hurt his image as the swinging bachelor. We will go on record as saying, that while we are leaders of providing online divorce forms and not movie critics, we look forward to the day when Clooney can convincingly play a man who has problems attracting women and is not particularly clever not witty.

And finally from the Wall Street Journal we learned of the perils and pitfalls of dividing a 401K account during the divorce process. According to the story there is something known as Qualified Domestic Relation order which establishes a former spouses right to a portion of the ex’s retirement benefits. These type of legal claims states that spouses can mutually agree on how to split the account, and if they cant the court will step in and decide on their behalf with each state having different rules regarding the distribution.

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