Tag : Divorce Articles

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The Divorcee’s Guide to the New Year

The New Year is here, and if you’re divorced you might have been dreading NYE parties. If you’re divorced you probably have been dreading most social events because it eventually comes out: You’re divorced. Sometimes you can see the alarm in your new friend’s face, sometimes you can hear it.

Marriage Isn’t a Moral Measuring Stick

Gray divorce was a big deal about three months ago, but now it’s nothing more than a little section on Huffintington Post: Divorce. It appears the world has already tired of the topic, except when celebrities and public figures are involved.

It’s true, Buzz Aldrin and his soon-to-be ex-wife, Lois Driggs

Marriage like a Phoenix

There have been some strange whisperings around Huffington Post: Divorce about infidelity and marriages. One blog writes about David Letterman’s statement during an Oprah show that after his affair he “never felt better about [him]self, and [his] relationship with [his] wife has never been better.” After this statement, and an

Love, Divorce, and ‘Family’ Matters

In the 21st century we like our families mixed. With the rise in divorce, it’s almost impossible for anyone to say they don’t have at least one step relation or acquaintance. This used to be a shameful topic because divorce used to be seen as a shameful act. But now

American Girl (and Boy) Divorce

Explaining divorce to children is a complicated, heavy-hearted task, but it’s important to help them understand. Since divorce has become a pervasive part of our world, there are many resources to help broach the topic of divorce with children. Many children’s TV shows and books are helping parents explain what

Victorian Divorce: We Are Amused

In today’s world our news is so littered with celebrity break ups, romances, and affairs that we are no longer surprised by the crazy antics people get themselves into. As a prime example, take the Kardashian/Humphries divorce debacle that has been recirculated through every media outlet known to man for

The Number 1 Rule of Co-Parenting

We’re back, and we’re ready to get right into the number one rule of co-parenting after divorce or during the divorce process. Like we said in the last blog, this rule seems like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many times this rule is broken. Here it is: Never

A Toast to Marriage and Alcohol Statistics

What can we really say about alcohol that hasn’t been said already? Alcohol can be part of your most embarrassing memory, be the center of controversy, cause you to be violently ill, and be a symbol of class and sophistication, all at the same time. This tricky substance has been