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Weird Divorce News from


As the internet’s premiere source for Online Divorce Forms, we come across some of the most unusual, bizarre, and downright weirdest stories about divorce spanning all edges of the globe. On this fine three day weekend, we decided we would recap some of our favorite divorce stories that we have posted over the last couple of months. And trust us we have found some dandy stories related to divorce that are so odd you won’t believe they are actually true. About the only story we have yet to see is one that states not only is Elvis alive….but married to a space alien.

Our first story comes from Israel and maybe every mans nightmare. We know some are cat people and others aren’t. But for this poor chap we truly feel some pity. No matter how much you love animals at some point the love of animals becomes an obsession and compulsion and most think anything over 5 or 10 pets is too much. So we certainly think online divorce form downloads are in order when your spouse takes in over 550 cats. Once again, you can be the worlds biggest cat lover but over 550? We are not sure what the official ruling was on the case but we would think any amount of alimony would immediately be spent on catnip and kitty litter.

The next story comes from the Celebrity Divorce file as WWE professional wrestler superstar John Cena officially filed for divorce from his wife. The kicker here was the amount of speculation regarding how this divorce might effect his career as one of the most popular wrestlers of all time. Now are experts when it comes to online divorce forms but when it comes to professional wrestling we admittedly know very little. But are we out of line to ponder the folly of wondering about how divorce will affect his career when professional wrestling matches are predetermined and more about theatrics then actual athletics? We are not exactly talking about Cena in the same way we spoke about Tiger Woods or Andre Agassi are we?

When it comes to divoce we have heard the phrase “taken to the cleaners” fairly regularly. And sure when some in the divorce process end up on the short end of the stick some of the euphemisms can be quite over the top and generally embellished. But one would have a hard time trumping the story of Janine Nazzise of Colorado. We realize the divorce process can be cruel, but after living as a married woman and housewife for several years her husband decided he wanted out. In this case, he took some preemptive action and to make a long story short- Nazzise was left homeless. Two sides to every story but it is hard to think of anyone who can top being homeless as a result of divorce.

And finally, from last week’s blog this story just deserves another mention. In the 70′s Marvin Gaye’s wife divorced him….only to find he did not have much in the way of assets or income. The judge ordered that Gaye record an album and give the proceeds to his ex. Yes, we know that sounds it comes straight for a situation comedy but in this case of California Divorce it actually happened. So if you ever wondered what favorite album of all-time is look no further- “Here, My Dear” by Marvin Gaye is the hands down winner.

Online Divorce Forms; This week in Divorce News


As we approach the summer there has been a bevy of recent divorce news that can be found on the internet. This week we will tray and recap the news for our blog. As one of the leading providers on online divorce forms and divorce information we try to provide as much current how to get a divorce information as possible spanning all parts of the globe and all genres of divorce and the impact it has on our society.

From the world of sports we have a couple of divorce related stories. NFL All-Pro cornerback Quentin Jammer of the San Diego Chargers had one of the least productive seasons since joining the National Football League. Jammer, known as one of the NFL’s premiere cornerbacks recently admitted in an interview that his recent California divorce had without question impacted his on the field performance. When we think of professional sports sometimes we overlook the fact that these players are no different then a dentist or an auto mechanic, they have personal lives that sometimes will impact their professional lives. That is not weakness-that is humanist.

Also in the world of sports, or pseudo sports comes news of professional wrestler John Cena’s divorce. Yahoo Sports is reporting that the cause of the rift between Cena and wife Elizabeth, was tension that started over a home remodeling project. As the leading producer of Online Divorce Forms, we can clearly state that while they might cite the remodeling project as the spark, these issues generally stem from much larger issues that are not being effectively communicated. Much like the straw that broke the camel’s back and without knowing anything about the Cena’s, we have seen it all too often where a silly excuse for divorce which, at the surface seems ludicrous, is actually just the band aid on a much larger situation. In the case of Cena, his case is a bit different then Jammers, as Jammer actually is competing in a legitimate athletic endeavor.

From the Huffington Post we saw a story about celebrities who most people probably did not know were divorced. At the top of list comes Hollywood Playboy and all around ladies man George Clooney. Indeed the legendary bachelor was once married to Mad Men star Talia Balsam. Indeed, Clooney was married to Balsam from 1989 to 1993. We wonder if this news was simply not important enough to report or Clooney’s management felt that this news maybe would hurt his image as the swinging bachelor. We will go on record as saying, that while we are leaders of providing online divorce forms and not movie critics, we look forward to the day when Clooney can convincingly play a man who has problems attracting women and is not particularly clever not witty.

And finally from the Wall Street Journal we learned of the perils and pitfalls of dividing a 401K account during the divorce process. According to the story there is something known as Qualified Domestic Relation order which establishes a former spouses right to a portion of the ex’s retirement benefits. These type of legal claims states that spouses can mutually agree on how to split the account, and if they cant the court will step in and decide on their behalf with each state having different rules regarding the distribution.

Gray Divorce; Divorce after 50


A recent story on MSNBC is revealing what has been long suspected but never considered when discussing the Divorce Process; The divorce rate for people over 50 has doubled over the last 20 years according to new research done by Bowling Green State University. More surprising is that the majority of these divorces are being brought forth and initiated by females. The phenomena known as the “gray divorce” is breaking traditional concepts an notions regarding marriage beliefs in a big way and for the reasons that, once scratched beneath the surface, are not only not too surprising but also makes us think its amazing this is happening as late as it did and how.

At first glance this news may seem shocking, one would tend to assume that if you have been married to the same spouse for over fifteen or twenty years the rest of the marriage is a lock and probably never in doubt as to the couples commitments to each other. But that also relies on the assumption that people are stagnant and do not change. There is undoubtedly no question of the abject absurdity of that notion. Before asking “How to get a Divorce” we must acknowledge that notion that people do in fact change, and if the routine of marriage starts to seem oppressive towards someone wanting to fulfill a dream, a hobby, an item on the bucket list etc etc….the gray divorce takes on more of a realistic, sensible realization.

For those moving up in years the idea of not settling for a mundane lifestyle and not going gently into that last goodnight as Dylan Thomas so eloquently wrote is a brave, but not surprising move.
With routine comes familiarity, and familiarity breeds contempt. And later in life once the children have left the nest, the question of child support and custody issues are not at a factor. Who hasnt as some point in there life asked the question of “Is that all there is?” or decided it was well worth the risk to see if the grass really is greener? Regardless the reasons, divorce after 50 will become more and more common. As one of the leading provider of online divorce forms, quite frankly we see a lot of additional reason to gray divorce then simply being tired of the routine or bored of a spouse.

For starters, the advent of the internet has revolutionized the way we gather information. Furthermore, the advances in this technology that have given more people internet access then ever before with the easiest platforms to use means that even those who are deathly afraid of technology can still do the most basic of Google searches. For the housewife in Washington who always dreamed of the Parisian night life of France, being able to research a trip, book a flight, find a friend on Facebook etc etc has never been easier much less the ease of Online Divorce Forms simplifying the process even further. Throw in the number of people who develop online relationships and seek advice from those who they have never personally met means getting opinion and advice is far more accessible.

For instance, telling someone to divorce their spouse and seek out lifes adventures is far more easy to dispense when you have never actually met the person you are dispensing advice to….much less their spouse. Talking and making grandiose plans to an internet friend can take on bold news steps in brevity when working with the assumption you will never actually meet the person who is taking your advice. It is much easier to tell someone to get California Divorce when you do not know them and actually live in Florida. There are conversations that would never take place with your neighbor or a co-worker. Like it or not, the internet and the way we gather information and can form and build interpersonal relationships is a huge factor for those divorcing later in life. Rather than lamenting these changes as a negative-these changes are really just examples and symptomatic of the age in which we live.

How to File for Divorce on Your Own.

Are you currently in a situation where you are going through a divorce?
Consider for downloadable divorce forms. Perhaps you have asked your partner for a divorce, he or she has asked you for one, or you have mutually agreed that a divorce is the best decision. Regardless of your specific situation, the truth is that a divorce, when done the traditional way through the use of lawyers and the court system, can be very tedious, long, and expensive. For this reason, more and more people these days have been considering the option of going for an easy, quick, and cheap divorce by simply do it yourself on their own without the help of lawyers.

There seems to be a misconception that it is necessary for both parties to have a Tennessee divorce lawyer in order to get on with the process. However, the truth is that this does not have to be the case, and there are many ways to go about filing for a Tennessee divorce on one’s own. Essentially, all you need to have are the right forms and documents, downloadable divorce forms. In addition, it is usually beneficial to have two parties who are mutual and willing to be civil in going through the divorce in order to make it as seamless and simple as possible.

The first step to filing for divorce without a lawyer is simply to speak with your current spouse and try to work out an agreement on major aspects and use online forms. For example, decide on situations such as child custody, which will keep the house, monetary issues, and anything else that is vital. After all, these are usually the issues that divorcing couples go to court over anyway; which is when the divorce ends up requiring the help of a lawyer in order to mediate and resolve the situation. However, agreeing upon these matters ahead of time essentially eliminates that need, so try

Once you have decided on child custody and other important matters, you are going to need to have the right online forms. These vary from state to state, but if you are going through a Tennessee divorce, then you can find all the online forms that you are going to need at The specific forms you will need to downloadable forms will vary depending on whether you are filing for the divorce on your own, or if it is going to be done jointly. Once you have the forms filled out and filed with the proper institutions (county clerk, state legislature, local courts, etc), you should be sure to give a copy of these forms to your spouse and keep one for yourself as well.

Overall, the process of filing for divorce on your own really just requires a mutual agreement and access to the proper online forms. From there, you can enjoy the benefits of a cheap divorce and avoid the hassle of having to hire a lawyer. So be sure to keep the website at in mind so that you can obtain the correct forms and get on with the process.

Crucial financial Tips when Entering the Post-Divorce World


Divorce is well known for the potential financial burden it can have on many people. A man and women join their lives together and also merge everything that comes along with it. Unfortunately this sometimes precarious situation can lead to a headache splitting situation. This can affect not only a family with children, relatives, and friends but their finances as well. In modern times it is important for both the man and the woman to protect themselves in these cases. Knowing the divorce processthe gec and procedures can help you prepare for the decisions and future financial situation you may find yourself in after the divorce is final.

It is important to plan your future financial situation out as you enter into the post divorce world. Even if you made the wide decision to use online divorce forms to file for divorce, the real financial battle may have just begun. Creating a budget and sticking to it can help relieve some of the worries and pressures that come with the divorce process. There are some common helpful ways to create a budget and stick to it during the beginning of your post divorce life.

Detail your expenses and income and plan your budget

This may apply to anyone but it is very important for newly divorced spouses with children to really take the time and assess your current and future financial situation. Understanding and keeping track of both your income, expenses, goals, and a realistic life styles can go a long way to better understanding your financial landscape post divorce.

Set extra funds aside for your children

This can be a daunting task, especially if you plan to send your child to college. It may seem futile given the change in your financial situation but there is never a better time to start. Starting with a simple savings plan can get you on the regular track in putting money aside for children. There are also many banking options to consider and getting advice from your bank can help give you the knowledge to make the right decision for your child’s future options.

Always make your payments on time

The debt problem in the US has been well documented for some time now. This tip may be important for you not matter if you’re recently divorced or not. Getting a handle on your current debt or the prevention of possible future debt is just as important as the income you have coming in. You may have recent support payments to make as well because of your divorce. Always make sure to pay any support payments or financial payments on time. Set up a reasonable payment plan whenever possible and resist putting off making regular installments.

Invest your savings when possible

Again this may seem like a futile effort just coming out of divorce, but there are many options for investment out there. Understanding investment opportunities can help you turn your savings into something more over time. Most people are not aware of the possibilities or options. Investing extra savings can become a great way to not only save money post divorce but help alleviate possible future financial hardship.

Entering into the post divorce world can be daunting. Socially and financially we make big changes in how we have become accustomed to living. Getting a grasp on your financial situation can be the first major step into creating a better future post divorce for you and your children

Social Media Divorce: Facebook [Dis]Connecting Couples


Social networking giant, Facebook, has been shown to be the biggest home wrecker since Marilyn Monroe in a recent United Kingdom study. In Divorce Online’s survey of 5,000 people, 33% of the divorces cited Facebook to be a contributing factor. A similar survey in 2009 recorded only 20% of divorces citing Facebook or social networking websites as a cause for divorce.

Online networking websites are influencing divorces more and more, and here is why: With one fell click, wandering eyes can turn into flirty instant messaging and more. New friends, and lovers, can be collected by the hundreds in a matter of minutes. The most common cause cited in Facebook-induced divorce was inappropriate messaging with someone of the opposite sex. As it turns out, the most wonderful aspect of social media is turning out to be too much to resist for couples.

However, on a more basic level, Facebook and social media have been shown to apply new stresses to relationships. Jealousy is an age-old vice, but with constant input over significant other’s statuses, check-ins, new friends, and conversations, it’s difficult to put that nagging suspicion to rest. The two most common stresses on relationships due to social media are sharing too much personal information on profiles, and the tagging of ex-boyfriends or ex-girlfriends in photos. Another root of the social media wedge between modern couples leading to more filing for divorce is the ease one can discover information about a person’s past. But people unsuspecting of their double-timing spouse can sometimes come across heartbreaking discoveries on social media sites, too.

The O’Neils, a Tacoma, Washington couple, found themselves in a news flurry when Mrs. O’Neil found her husband’s second wife in the “People You Might Know” column on Facebook. In March 2012, the first Mrs. O’Neil reported her husband to the police. Mr. O’Neil was then charged with a gross misdemeanor (no pun intended) for bigamy. According to Mr. O ‘Neil, he filed for divorce from the first Mrs. O’Neil and left the paperwork with a neighbor to file, who forgot to do so.

More and more, Facebook and other social media platforms have been shown to still cause problems for couples even after divorce. Ex-spouses are known to vent their frustrations and anger over Facebook statuses or Twitters. In 2012, 20% of Twitter users petitioned courts with behavior allegations against spouses or ex-spouses for publishing insensitive or snide material about them online.

Social media sights were implemented and touted as great pathways for communication and keeping family, friends, and significant other’s closer. So far this is proving true: Facebook is allowing communication to go both ways, both the good and bad communication. Yet it’s also allowing the ugly to come along for the ride. And on a side note, we should not be surprised that with more use of social media interaction and the convenience on the internet, more people are filing their divorce forms online.

How to Save Yourself from an Expensive Divorce


When it comes to divorce, we have all heard the horror stories of how it can get messy. Everyone has a friend of a friend who went through a year-long divorce process that ended up costing him or her thousands of dollars just to get out of the marriage. In years past this all was unavoidable. Depending on your situation you would end up paying a lawyer  tons of money, even if the divorce was amicable. Those days are, thankfully, gone.

Today, it’s the couples’ with the power. Understanding the steps in the process and therefore properly evaluating your decisions can be done without the input of a lawyer. Understandably some situations dictate the necessity of a trained legal professional, but the landscape of the divorce world has clearly changed, here are some tips to work towards an inexpensive divorce.

Keep Divorce Lawyers from Fanning the Flames

File this under the easier said than done category, but the divorce process can be a much smoother process once the couple comes together to work on the particulars. Lawyers are not only expensive, they can also bog down the process, scraping for every inch they can exploit in a situation. While it is understood they are working towards what they believe is the best possible outcome for you, they can be detrimental to your progress. In these cases, unfortunately, the battle can go on and on, until the clients run out of money and limp to the settlement table.

Worse, if there are children, the fight depletes not only your pocketbook, but also your children’s sense of security. Once the legal fight is over, trying to establish a normal ongoing parenting relationship between both parents and the children can be very difficult.

Shouldering the Decision Load

Weeding through the decisions that need to be made when seeking a divorce is tedious and most likely painful. But it really is in the divorcing couple’s best interest, whenever possible, to tackle these matters together, rather that bickering and fighting over everything through the jargon and manifesto of divorce lawyers. Working together or with an agreed upon third party (such as a divorce mediator) on crucial decisions can help you and your spouse come to quick , fair decisions on the important matters. Not to mention, this saves both time and money.

If you are able to resolve the big questions surrounding children, money, and property, then you just need to ask the court, in writing, to grant a divorce. In many states, you don’t even have to appear in court. Many courts now make it relatively easy for people to handle an uncontested divorce without a lawyer.

While some situations need a divorce lawyer, in today’s society more the of responsibility has been continually placed on the couple themselves. The rise of online divorces has given many couples the freedom to control their divorce process, making decisions with their spouses and getting through the process with both their savings account and dignity intact. Don’t allow yourself to put yourself in a deep hole when you’re already trying to get out of one. Do the research on your situation and find out if online divorce is right for you.

Texas Courts Allow Divorce Without Lawyers

In today’s economy, budgets are often a necessity. Even marriages with two working spouses have trouble keeping up with all the bills and living comfortably. Yet when divorce enters the picture, it can quickly become a very expensive ordeal. However, Texas lawmakers voted on a motion to help low-income families, and those filing for an easy, uncontested divorce to use forms that will allow them to move through the process without hiring an attorney.

Legal Aid

Recently reported from Texas, six of the nine Supreme Court justices have voted to approve the use of forms allowing  couples to file for divorce in Texas without hiring an attorney. After months of back and forth battling it was finally put to a vote, much to the ire of the group of family lawyers who vehemently opposed the motion.

The reason given by the lawyers was that these legal forms could lead to confusion and many legal complications if/when mistakes are made in the filing process. However, it has been reported that pro bono and legal aid attorneys can only reach about 20% of the divorce service demand last year.

In its Infancy

Back in 2011 a group of lawmakers, including lawyers, judges, and other experts, and the Texas Access to Justice Commission came together to help create the newly approved forms. The opponents of these forms, who are mostly made up of practicing attorneys, have stated that citizens will be unable to navigate the legal system without the help of an attorney. However, as you can see by the website, and the recent rise in online divorce forms, that is just flat out untrue.

What’s in a Form?

The forms may only be used by couples without children or real estate who are seeking a divorce without the aid and expenses of an attorney. The forms are said to be simple and straight forward to help make the judicial part of the process more efficient going forward. The forms are available now, but as a result of a public comment period that will last until February they may undergo some changes.

An even better route for couples both with or without children in preparing Texas divorce forms is filing for an online divorce. At we have already helped served many citizens in Texas with a logical and 100% legal way to help file for an uncontested divorce; helping save time, money, and stress for those couples who know they want to move forward but are dreading the process. To find out more about online divorce forms and how to file for an online divorce in Texas, visit today.

The Difference Between Legal Separation and Divorce

Legal separation and divorce, contrary to some thinking, are considered two separate things. However, many of the stipulations in legal separations, as well as the rights that one person has when entering legal separation, are comparable and similar to that of a divorce. Legal separation allows couples who may consider their marriage to be “failing” make a temporary arrangement of separation, while it is understood they will  continue to work out their problems, as they still remain legally married. Reconciliation is the goal in legal separation and can be issued, like divorce, through a court order.


In a sense, legal separation is a form of temporary divorce. While the word divorce implies a permanent separation, legal separation is meant to be temporary and does not automatically lead to divorce. Couples can reconcile, but if they wish to move on and get a divorce, they will have to go through the divorce process dictated by where they live.

The legal separation process and relief offered, however, is very similar to divorce; in some situations in can mirror the process of divorce. For example, a court can grant legal separations due to “irreconcilable differences leading to the breakdown of the marriage.”

Legal separation also can allow both parties to set provisions and guidelines concerning the following areas:

  1. Child Support
  2. Child Custody
  3. Visitation
  4. Division of Marital Property
  5. Spousal Support
  6. The Marital Home
  7. Health Insurance Benefits
  8. Life Insurance

The Difference

The lines can often be blurred when it comes to individual differences between legal separation and divorce. As stated, it’s more of an overarching difference meant to give marriages a chance to take a break in an attempt to solve their issues and move forward, rather than just having a black and white decision of marriage or divorce.  Some of the differences specified between legal separation and divorce will vary due to the state’s laws and jurisdiction when handling these kinds of cases.

Although MyDivorceDocuments does not provide legal separation papers, those who have tried legal separation and decided to move forward with a divorce can benefit from an inexpensive online divorce. Online divorce is meant to help couples who amicably understand their marriage is over and can agree to certain grounds to pursue an uncontested, no-fault divorce. To learn more about an online divorce or to get started on the divorce forms, visit today.

How to Serve Divorce Papers

document serverThe whole divorce process is kind of a headache, but hopefully we can alleviate some of the pain by providing you with helpful information. Today, we are going to delve into the mysterious business of serving divorce papers and how it works.

Can I Serve My Spouse?

Most people think they can serve their spouse with divorce papers by simply handing them over. However, there are legal guidelines that must be observed when serving legal documents to proceed with the divorce. Because you are an “interested party” (meaning you are directly involved in the case), you cannot be involved in serving the divorce papers.

Luckily, there are a few other ways to serve the divorce papers without having to pay someone to do so, or by paying a minimal cost.

Served By Mail

One of the most common ways to service your spouse is by mail, which usually doesn’t cost more than a few dollars. Service by mail is very simple, but to do this you have to include an affidavit of service in the divorce papers. The affidavit is named different things, and sometimes is included in various forms within the divorce forms. The served spouse must sign the affidavit of service, which verifies the spouse was served with the papers by mail.

Mail the divorce papers via first-class U.S. mail with a return receipt. If you ask the post office for a return receipt they will put a slip on the envelope, which must be signed by the recipient upon delivery. Then, the signed receipt of delivery is sent to your address for you records. Keep the return receipt for your paperwork as proof that your spouse received and was essentially served with the divorce papers.

Served By Third Party

Another common, yet free way to service your spouse is by a third party. A third party is basically anyone other than you, your spouse, and any child or person not immediately involved in the divorce proceedings. A third party can be a friend, relative, or neighbor.

The third party must, however, be over 18 years old and must sign the affidavit of service document as well. In some states it is required by law that the third party sign the affidavit in front of a notary public. This option only requires payment for the notary public, which varies from each notary.

Served By Official Service Officer

If neither of these options is agreeable with you, it is possible to hire a service officer to serve your spouse with the papers. A sheriff can be contracted to deliver the divorce papers to your spouse, or you can hire a professional process server.

The official server will know exactly how to complete the little paperwork required from them, like signing the affidavit of service. This option is pricier than the other two, but it is recommended in contested divorce cases where the spouse is trying to delay the divorce by avoiding being served with the divorce papers. A process server can cost anywhere from $30 to $100.

Can I Serve My Spouse With an Online Divorce Company?

With the online divorce forms service, you are able to decide how to serve your spouse, and are provided with all the necessary paperwork to legally prove your spouse was served. However, you must provide your spouse with the divorce papers, either by mail, third party, or process server.