Tag : Limited Divorce

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Options of a Divorce!

A divorce legally suspends a marriage.  Courts in the United States at this time acknowledge two types of divorces:

1) Absolute/Fault Divorce: To obtain an absolute divorce, courts require some type of verification showing of wrongdoing on one spouse’s behalf.  An absolute divorce is an official termination of a

What is the Difference between an Absolute & Limited Divorce?

A limited divorce is a legal action in which the court supervises a couple’s separation.  It is generally used by people who:

Do not yet have grounds for an absolute divorce
Need financial relief
Are unable to settle their differences without an attorney

During a limited divorce, the parties are

MyDivorceDocuments Presents; Divorce Information for Men

If your ex doesn’t work in a cooperative manner or lacks the ability to do what is best for the children; Take the high road. Someone will have to take the responsibility of being the anchor and the sail and if it isn’t going to be your ex it is your responsibility like it or not.

Physical Custody Issues with DIY Divorce

Physical custody section is made up of several activities and events all having do with the actual time lines in which each parent takes and acts as sole guardian of their children at a prearranged, predetermined date as agreed upon by the spouses.