Tag : Cheap Divorce

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Is it Possible for a Man to get a Cheap Divorce?

This is the one million dollar question for men, and it is not always about the money.

As we all know, most divorce attorneys only care about themselves and their hourly rates.  This usually causes a divorce to drag out for a long period of time. 

Tips to an Online Divorce!!!

If you are 100% SURE that you want a divorce, be sure to protect every aspect of your life :

1. Speak to a Marriage Counselor or another certified specialist who may be able to help you save your marriage.

Even if you don’t think there’s hope for the marriage, “divorce counseling”

Making Divorce Amicable-A Field Guide

The Huffington Post recently published an article that asks the question of Can the words “good” and divorce” be used in the same sentence?

Without questions divorce is arguably the most singularly stressful event in a person’s life. Questions of financial security, how assets will be divided, where the kids will

Negative Energy; Divorce’s Ugly ByProduct

Of all the emotions that can be rendered from the divorce process, Anger is truly the single most dangerous emotion that rears its ugly head when divorce is involved. Making matters all the more troubling is that when the process is over and considered a closing chapter in your life

Divorce-Weighing the Cost Spectrum


We here at Mydivorcedocuments.com often get asked the question How Much Divorce Really Cost? Its a good question and based purely on the number of variables there is no direct nor scientific answer. If you or your spouse choose to battle tooth and nail of every small step of the

File For Divorce Online; An Idea Whose Time has Come


Back in the day, the idea of divorcing your spouse was a challenge and invariably lead to rumors or innuendos that one spouse must have committed some grounds of divorce as as unspeakable, unsavory or sordid act like committing adultery, spousal abuse or emotional abuse and utilize these as leverage

MyDivorceDocuments Presents; Divorce Information for Men

If your ex doesn’t work in a cooperative manner or lacks the ability to do what is best for the children; Take the high road. Someone will have to take the responsibility of being the anchor and the sail and if it isn’t going to be your ex it is your responsibility like it or not.

Physical Custody Issues with DIY Divorce

Physical custody section is made up of several activities and events all having do with the actual time lines in which each parent takes and acts as sole guardian of their children at a prearranged, predetermined date as agreed upon by the spouses.