Tag : Child Custody

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Options of a Divorce!

A divorce legally suspends a marriage.  Courts in the United States at this time acknowledge two types of divorces:

1) Absolute/Fault Divorce: To obtain an absolute divorce, courts require some type of verification showing of wrongdoing on one spouse’s behalf.  An absolute divorce is an official termination of a

Inexpensive Divorce Tips!

Divorce can be a very expensive procedure and challenging time for divorcing couples.  Divorce is a very exhausting event which can burn you emotionally as well as financially.  Getting through with the terms in regard to divorce is time consuming.  While filing for a divorce you should always keep in

What is the Difference between an Absolute & Limited Divorce?

A limited divorce is a legal action in which the court supervises a couple’s separation.  It is generally used by people who:

Do not yet have grounds for an absolute divorce
Need financial relief
Are unable to settle their differences without an attorney

During a limited divorce, the parties are

Most Expensive Celebrity Divorces

While last week we took a very serious look at the ramifications of divorce and the ravaging effects it has on the family unit; this week we decided to take a different spin and take a look at some of the most expensive celebrity divorces in history. Compared to the

The Male Perspective of Divorce

Divorce can be ugly and it doesn’t take Freud to unveil the facts. A married couple who at one point had the assumption that as life partners they would grow old together decide to go separate ways, there is resentment, hatred and a fury of mixed emotions which makes “irreconcilable

File For Divorce Online; An Idea Whose Time has Come


Back in the day, the idea of divorcing your spouse was a challenge and invariably lead to rumors or innuendos that one spouse must have committed some grounds of divorce as as unspeakable, unsavory or sordid act like committing adultery, spousal abuse or emotional abuse and utilize these as leverage

Post Divorce Dating; A Brave New World


The court case is over and the papers have been filed, the signatures have been applied with the I’s dotted and the T’s thoroughly crossed. If you completed a no fault uncontested divorce using an online divorce kit it probably means a better position for both parties. If you are

Divorce and Adultry

Some recent studies have suggested that fewer marriages are ending due to infidelity, on the face it sounds like a huge step in the right direction for the age old institutional practice of marriage and maybe not the best thing for a company that makes a living with its online

Physical Custody Issues with DIY Divorce

Physical custody section is made up of several activities and events all having do with the actual time lines in which each parent takes and acts as sole guardian of their children at a prearranged, predetermined date as agreed upon by the spouses.