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Important Steps to Divorce!



The planning of a divorce can be very difficult.  Be completely sure that you are 100% that you want a divorce before getting started.  Giving up on your marriage can be very overwhelming.  Be sure you have explored other resources such as marriage counseling

Organization Tips for a Divorce!

Once you have made the final decision to get a divorce, attached are some tips you can do to prepare for a divorce.

1) Take Note

You will need to use your own money for divorce, not your spouses.  You will have to maintain yourself and your children for a while if

A Few Tips on Divorce!

1.  Safety First

First basic steps are to try and keep yourself and your family safe.  If you are in a situation where safety is an issue, be sure to contact the police and immediately consult with a lawyer.

2. If you are looking to seek full custody of your children do

Women Tips on Divorce!

If you are thinking about ending your marriage, or are currently in the divorce process, the most important thing you need to do is accept responsibility for the outcome of your divorce.  Due to a woman’s standard of living generally drops at least thirty percent after a divorce, the decisions

5 Tips to a Divorce!

Before you begin your divorce process, attached are five simple financial tips that can make your divorce a bit easier.

Tip # 1

Be sure to copy all of your legal documents and gather all of your financial information that you have accumulated over the duration of the marriage

First you will need

FAQ on a Divorce!

Do I need to hire an Attorney?

Hiring an Attorney is not mandatory.  You are able to represent yourself. However, given the complex of all the issues that can occur, it would help with hiring a lawyer who is familiar with the law and experience.

How is the divorce commenced?

An action for

Pointers for Both Parents & Children During Divorce!

Basic Tips for Parents during a Divorce

Always be sure to have alone time with your children for reassurance.

Always tell the truth and do not break any promises or lie to your children.

Do not fight or yell in front of your children for it may scare or worry them even more

Most Expensive Celebrity Divorces

While last week we took a very serious look at the ramifications of divorce and the ravaging effects it has on the family unit; this week we decided to take a different spin and take a look at some of the most expensive celebrity divorces in history. Compared to the

Making Divorce Amicable-A Field Guide

The Huffington Post recently published an article that asks the question of Can the words “good” and divorce” be used in the same sentence?

Without questions divorce is arguably the most singularly stressful event in a person’s life. Questions of financial security, how assets will be divided, where the kids will

Negative Energy; Divorce’s Ugly ByProduct

Of all the emotions that can be rendered from the divorce process, Anger is truly the single most dangerous emotion that rears its ugly head when divorce is involved. Making matters all the more troubling is that when the process is over and considered a closing chapter in your life